大麻是入門藥? 開放大麻會增加使用其他毒品的機率? 還會促進犯罪? Is marijuana a gateway drug?
大麻是入門藥? 開放大麻會增加使用其他毒品的機率? 還會促進犯罪?
Is marijuana a gateway drug?
醫用大麻合法化(八)People usually said that marijuana is a gateway drug. Those who tried marijuana will go to try the harder drugs such as cocaine or heroin. However, NIH mentioned that the majorities of marijuana users do no go on to try other drugs. People also reasoned that marijuana related to crime. However, based on an investigation on Taiwan inmates, marijuana related crimes were found also significantly related to the psychological health. Is the mental disorder or the marijuana use to cause violence?"請幫我們按讚轉發和訂閱,您的支持是我們最大的鼓勵"