大麻到底會不會成癮?成癮率不到抽菸的1/3!Dependence was estimated at 9% which was lower than the risks for tobacco 32% -康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 大麻到底會不會成癮?成癮率不到抽菸的1/3!Dependence was estimated at 9% which was lower than the risks for tobacco 32%

大麻到底會不會成癮?成癮率不到抽菸的1/3!Dependence was estimated at 9% which was lower than the risks for tobacco 32%

  • 大麻到底會不會成癮?成癮率不到抽菸的1/3!Dependence was estimated at 9% which was lower than the risks for tobacco 32%
  • Dependence was estimated at 9% which was lower than the risks for tobacco 32%
    Is cannabis addictive?  Yes, 10% users developed cannabis use disorder. They experienced anxiety or sweating while trying to quit it. However, the dependence is less than tobacco or alcohol. Also, the withdrawal symptoms are less severe than other drugs. The Co-occurrence of multiple drug uses were noted among cannabis users. However, it is still in debate and no adequate evidence observed from animal studies and the epidemiological research.

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      • 康普頓生物科技有限公司董事長
      • 美國抗老暨再生醫學會專科醫師
      • 美國營養學院認證營養專科醫師
      • 東海大學推廣部樂齡大學兼任講師
      • 康普頓診所副院長
      • 台灣中西醫師
      • 美國加州中醫師
      • 東海大學法律研究所
      • 上海宮氏信息針灸法傳人
      • 細胞治療技術受訓證書



