真正的吸引力法則!4步驟幫自己改命,愈活愈好命。行醫30年寫真系列(二)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 真正的吸引力法則!4步驟幫自己改命,愈活愈好命。行醫30年寫真系列(二)


  • 真正的吸引力法則!4步驟幫自己改命,愈活愈好命。行醫30年寫真系列(二)
  • 人的思維受到過去經驗、家庭教育與社會文化影響,形成不同的「濾鏡」,導致對相同事件的解讀截然不同,例如非洲市場的鞋業商機可被視為潛力(樂觀)或無望(悲觀),取決於個人視角。因此,提倡不以「好壞」二分法來判斷事件,而是尋找其他可能性,並接納不完美。同時,面對困境時,應嘗試正向解讀,放下過度複雜的想法,以更高的視角(高我)來看待生活,避免被情緒與過多意見干擾,培養更開放與積極的心態。


    People's thinking is influenced by past experiences, family upbringing, and social culture, shaping different "filters" that lead to vastly different interpretations of the same events. For example, the shoe market in Africa can be seen as either full of potential (optimistic) or hopeless (pessimistic), depending on one's perspective. Therefore, it is encouraged not to judge events through a binary "good or bad" lens but rather to explore other possibilities and embrace imperfection. When facing challenges, one should try to interpret situations positively, let go of overly complicated thoughts, and adopt a higher perspective ("higher self") to view life. This helps avoid being overwhelmed by emotions and excessive opinions while fostering a more open and positive mindset.
