原來人跟植物一樣能感光也能吸收光能來生長!第32屆抗老暨再生醫學會世界大會專輯(三)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 原來人跟植物一樣能感光也能吸收光能來生長!第32屆抗老暨再生醫學會世界大會專輯(三)


  • 原來人跟植物一樣能感光也能吸收光能來生長!第32屆抗老暨再生醫學會世界大會專輯(三)
  • 科學家發現光在人體健康中扮演重要角色,能透過調節生物光子及相關蛋白影響基因表現,從而改善健康狀態。光生物調控(photobiomodulation)和光遺傳學(optogenetics) 是利用光來調節基因轉錄和蛋白質生成的技術,應用於促進傷口修復、增強腦部反應、改善抗氧化能力等。
    Scientists have discovered that light plays an important role in human health, as it can influence gene expression by regulating bio photons and related proteins, thereby improving health conditions. Photobiomodulation and optogenetics are technologies that use light to regulate gene transcription and protein production, applied to promote wound healing, enhance brain responses, and improve antioxidant capacity.
    Among them, green light has stronger penetration, which can affect the brain and gene expression, as well as adjust physiological rhythms and enhance antioxidant effects. It can even penetrate the skull, positively impacting the brain and helping to regulate gene transcription. Furthermore, exposure to green plants and natural environments helps reduce stress and improve health, which explains why rural living often makes people feel healthier.
