行醫30年,臨床真實紀錄,學會無條件愛自己。行醫30年寫真系列(1)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 行醫30年,臨床真實紀錄,學會無條件愛自己。行醫30年寫真系列(1)


  • 行醫30年,臨床真實紀錄,學會無條件愛自己。行醫30年寫真系列(1)
  • 您是否常常感到缺乏愛、不被公平對待,甚至長期被過去的創傷所困擾?這次將以30年的行醫經驗,帶您深入探索自我療癒之道,並揭示宇宙真相。

    Do you often feel a lack of love, unfair treatment, or long-term struggles with past traumas? In this video, with 30 years of medical experience, we will guide you on a deep exploration of self-healing and uncover the truths of the universe.
    Through psychology, spiritual science, and religious wisdom, we explain that we are not just composed of a physical body but also include the multidimensional existence of the etheric body, astral body, and spiritual body. If you've ever wondered why health problems persist despite diligent efforts or why childhood traumas remain unresolved, this video will provide you with answers.


