每個人都能成為一把鑰匙,為別人打開一個新世界 芬蘭參訪在家老化(三)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 每個人都能成為一把鑰匙,為別人打開一個新世界 芬蘭參訪在家老化(三)

每個人都能成為一把鑰匙,為別人打開一個新世界 芬蘭參訪在家老化(三)

  • 每個人都能成為一把鑰匙,為別人打開一個新世界 芬蘭參訪在家老化(三)
  • 芬蘭人的全民運動是當志工。 芬蘭人認為當志工教導他人技能會使自己有好心情,幫助別人使自己感受到被需要。而且芬蘭教科書寫“因為被愛,所以願意去愛”。被誰愛呢? 因為神先愛了我們! 訪談中一位牧師說每個人都能成為一個鑰匙,為別人打開一個新世界。因為芬蘭人認為失能是普遍的,每個人都有可能在某個時期有短期或長期的失能,應以這種態度來思考如何照顧他人。更應該把自己視為同行者,與受服務的人有生命的交流,而非純粹是照顧者,好像受照顧的人是接受你的施捨。 一位牧師是視障者,但是他說我雖然不能活正常生活,但我仍然能活一個好的生活,而且我只是以另外一種方式來看這個世界。雖然視力不加但其他四感因此加強,並不會感到生活質量大幅下降。可以聽出來這位視障牧師既不自憐也不自卑。
    Volunteering is a national pastime in Finland. Finns believe that teaching skills to others as volunteers enhances their own mood and the act of helping makes them feel needed. Finnish textbooks espouse the philosophy "because we are loved, we choose to love." Who loves us? It's because God loved us first. In an interview, a pastor mentioned that everyone can be a key, opening a new world for others. Finns recognize that disability is common; anyone might experience temporary or long-term disabilities at some point. This mindset guides their approach to caring for others. They believe in seeing themselves as fellow companions, not merely caregivers, fostering meaningful life exchanges with those they serve, rather than acting as if those cared for are merely recipients of charity. A blind pastor shared, "Although I cannot live a 'normal' life, I still lead a good life, and I just see the world in a different way." Despite his lack of sight, his other senses are heightened, which does not significantly diminish his quality of life. This blind pastor exhibits neither self-pity nor inferiority.
