臉書左柏格矽谷豪宅擴建計劃遭市府駁回?從判決看人類(十七)美國司法“自住”篇-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 臉書左柏格矽谷豪宅擴建計劃遭市府駁回?從判決看人類(十七)美國司法“自住”篇


  • 臉書左柏格矽谷豪宅擴建計劃遭市府駁回?從判決看人類(十七)美國司法“自住”篇
  • 為個人人有個家,台灣有“新青安專案”。 美國加州則有AB 2345法案,為解決高房價買不起,房源少買不到房,以及遊民無處安置的危機。 AB 2345法案為加州帶來了更多“可負擔住宅”,為中低收入者提供了更多的住房選擇。這項法案不僅增加了指定地區內可負擔住宅的比例,還包括了多種社會福利設施,如老人活動中心,各國文化中心。 具體而言,該法案要求新開發的住宅項目必須將一定比例的單元定為可負擔住宅,目的是讓更多的低收入家庭能夠負擔得起住房。 對於申請可負擔住宅,申請者需要符合特定的收入標準,這些標準通常是基於地區的中位數收入。 此外,關於社交媒體巨頭Facebook的創始人馬克·扎克伯格在帕洛阿爾托(Palo Alto)的住宅項目,他計畫拆除現有房屋並建造一個大型的家庭庭院,但這一計劃遭到了市政府的拒絕。市政府的拒絕是基於社區規劃和地區發展標準的考量,強調保持社區的整體風貌和密度控制。


    California's AB 2345 has revolutionized the housing market by expanding the scope of affordable housing, providing more options for low to moderate-income families. This legislation not only increases the proportion of affordable housing units within specified areas but also incorporates a variety of social amenities, such as senior activity centers and multicultural centers. Specifically, the law mandates that a certain percentage of units in new housing developments be designated as affordable, with the aim of making housing more accessible to lower-income families. Applicants for affordable housing must meet specific income standards, which are typically based on the median income for the region. Moreover, regarding the residential project of Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg in Palo Alto, his plan to demolish an existing house to construct a large family compound was denied by the city government. The refusal was based on considerations of community planning and regional development standards, emphasizing the preservation of the community's overall character and density control.
