最幸福國家面臨年老的孤獨,善用AI和遠距,讓獨居更美麗!芬蘭在家老化參訪(二)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 最幸福國家面臨年老的孤獨,善用AI和遠距,讓獨居更美麗!芬蘭在家老化參訪(二)


  • 最幸福國家面臨年老的孤獨,善用AI和遠距,讓獨居更美麗!芬蘭在家老化參訪(二)
  • 最幸福國家面臨年老的孤獨,善用AI和遠距,讓獨居更美麗!芬蘭在家老化參訪(二)
  • 1.何謂超高齡社會?65歲以上達到7%時稱為「高齡化社會」, 達到14%是「高齡社會」, 若達20%則稱為「超高齡社會」,芬蘭65歲以上的人佔總人口約23% ,70歲以上0.9M,所以芬蘭當然是超高齡嘍。 芬蘭人是最幸福國家,被稱為是指20-65歲的芬蘭人。台灣也是全球老化速度最快的國家:從2018高齡到2025超高齡只花7年。 芬蘭的高齡政策思維:芬蘭人很健康長壽,因為過往投資在健康上很多,所以現在可以年長者很健康可以投資少一點,大家很認真幫政府省錢,因為政府的錢是芬蘭人繳稅繳來的,所以連公務員都不是努力花錢花預算。
    2. 對於年長者的醫療和照護:醫療部分,北歐國家的預防性健康檢查是75歲,而挪威特別是80歲,年長者健康到有些85歲才做人生第一次健康檢查。照護部分,則從廣設長照機構改成鼓勵在家老化,從「照護」轉向「自主生活」是關鍵。在家老化則要有認知功能和移動功能, 讓年長者維持“生活功能”並且活得有尊嚴。
    3. 芬蘭2013年起重整為19個健康照護區,鼓勵在家老化,75歲以上芬蘭年長者有 8.7%在醫學中心,91.3住在家裡, 增加住宅型照顧服務的使用,減少護理之家的使用。在家老化,年長者生活需要的是家務、護理、非正式家庭照護,以及高齡住宅、文化活動、適合老年人的運動等非醫療照護。 
    4. AI工具使用很普遍:NOKIA 工程師發明的給藥小機器人evodons,比起台灣人常用小藥盒幫家中長者排藥更便利 ,而且芬蘭年長者很多是獨居者沒有人幫忙排藥。 芬蘭也使用線上症狀評估:Omaolo 是一項全國性的社會和醫療保健線上服務,其正確性比chatgpt高很多。
     • What is a super-aged society? 
    A society is considered "aging" when 7% of the population is over 65 years old, "aged" at 14%, and "super-aged" at 20%. In Finland, approximately 23% of the population is over 65, and 0.9 million are over 70, categorizing it as a super-aged society. Finland is often referred to as the happiest country for those aged 20-65. Taiwan is known for having the fastest aging rate globally, transitioning from an aging to a super-aged society in just seven years, from 2018 to 2025. The Finnish aging policy reflects the health and longevity of its citizens due to significant past investments in healthcare, allowing current generations to invest less as seniors remain robust, seriously helping the government save money since it is taxpayer-funded, even prompting government employees to be cautious with budget expenditures.
     • Healthcare and Care for the Elderly: 
    In terms of healthcare, preventive health checks in Nordic countries begin at 75, and in Norway at 80. Some seniors undergo their first health check at 85. Regarding elder care, the focus has shifted from establishing extensive care facilities to encouraging aging at home, moving from "care" to "independent living," emphasizing the need for cognitive and mobility functions to maintain a dignified life with functional independence.
     • Finnish Healthcare Districts and Home Aging: 
    Since 2013, Finland has been reorganized into 19 healthcare districts to encourage aging at home. Among the elderly over 75, 8.7% live in medical centers, while 91.3% reside at home. There's been an increase in the use of residential care services and a reduction in nursing home utilization. Elderly living requirements include housekeeping, caregiving, informal family care, and access to senior housing, cultural activities, and senior-appropriate physical activities, emphasizing non-medical care.
     • Widespread Use of AI Tools: 
    The invention of 'evodons' by Nokia engineers offers more convenience than traditional small medicine boxes used in Taiwan, especially for the elderly living alone who have no assistance with medication management. Finland also utilizes an online symptom assessment tool, 'Omaolo,' a national service for social and healthcare designed to enhance the health and well-being of its citizens, providing more accurate assessments than ChatGPT
