造訪最幸福國家芬蘭12天。芬蘭在家老化參訪系列(一)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 造訪最幸福國家芬蘭12天。芬蘭在家老化參訪系列(一)


  • 造訪最幸福國家芬蘭12天。芬蘭在家老化參訪系列(一)
  • 這次由訓練取代照顧協會主辦,由前公共電視獨立特派員周傳久教授帶領,前往芬蘭參訪的12天,學習芬蘭超高齡社會的樂齡、樂活,著重人性以及尊嚴的照顧系統。
    芬蘭不只是聯合國評定全世界最幸福的國家,也是網友公認全球買L V最幸福的國家,有退稅退最多的美譽。
    芬蘭土地是台灣的八倍,但是人口只有台灣的¼ 。總共550萬的人口,其中有50萬公民是伊拉克戰爭由中東來的難民,另外50萬是講瑞典語的芬蘭人。

    This trip is organized by the Training Instead of Care Association, led by Professor Zhou Chuanjiu, a former independent correspondent for Public Television, who will guide a 12-day visit to Finland to learn about the country’s approach to aging and active living in a super-aged society, with a focus on humane and dignified care systems.
    Finland is not only rated the happiest country in the world by the United Nations but is also acknowledged by netizens worldwide as the happiest place to purchase Louis Vuitton, renowned for offering the most generous VAT refunds.
    The land area of Finland is eight times that of Taiwan, yet it has only one-quarter of Taiwan’s population. Of its total population of 5.5 million, 500,000 are refugees from the Iraq war from the Middle East, and another 500,000 are Swedish-speaking Finns.
    One-third of the country’s territory lies within the Arctic Circle, experiencing six months of snow and six months of polar night each year. Seventy-five percent of the land is covered by forests, and the vast stretches of forest alongside tens of thousands of lakes beautify the landscape.
    Having endured wars and been ruled by Sweden and Russia, Finland’s journey through trauma to nurture a peaceful and benevolent populace is indeed worth exploring.

