減重出現標靶藥!副作用竟是“增肌”?讓你全身脂肪降低20%,肌肉增加近4%,停藥12週不反弹的超級明日巨星-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 減重出現標靶藥!副作用竟是“增肌”?讓你全身脂肪降低20%,肌肉增加近4%,停藥12週不反弹的超級明日巨星


  • 減重出現標靶藥!副作用竟是“增肌”?讓你全身脂肪降低20%,肌肉增加近4%,停藥12週不反弹的超級明日巨星
  • 躺著就能瘦不是夢,各大藥廠瘦瘦藥比一比,減重藥日新月異,現在連標靶藥都用上了!1. Lilly(禮來):Tirzepatide 是一種結合 GLP-1 和 GIP 受體激動劑的藥物,已展示出顯著的減重效果。這種雙重激動劑的機制使其在控制血糖和減重方面比單一 GLP-1 受體激動劑更有效。 2. Novo Nordisk(諾和諾德):市場領導者之一,主要產品包括 GLP-1 受體激動劑,如 Semaglutide(商品名 Ozempic, Wegovy)。這些藥物主要通過模擬 GLP-1 激素來抑制食慾並促進體重減少。 3. 羅氏(Roche) :正在開發的 CT-966 和 CT-388 是兩種與減重和肥胖治療相關的創新藥物。 4. GLP-1(胰高血糖素樣肽-1):一種腸泌素,能促進胰島素分泌、抑制食慾並延緩胃排空。這類藥物能有效降低血糖和體重。 5. GIP(葡萄糖依賴性促胰島素多肽):另一種腸泌素,它與 GLP-1 相似,但其主要功能是促進胰島素釋放。在新藥中,結合 GIP 和 GLP-1 的機制展現出更強的療效。 6. Amylin(胰島類澱粉胜肽):與胰島素共同分泌的激素,能減慢胃排空、降低餐後血糖上升並抑制食慾。用於肥胖治療時,Amylin 類似物可與其他激素聯合使用以達到更好的減重效果。 7.Bimagrumab 是一種標靶藥,專注於肌肉增長和減少脂肪。它透過阻斷 Activin II 受體來促進肌肉生成,同時減少脂肪,這與傳統的減重藥物有很大不同,因為它的主要目標是重塑體型而非單純的減重。該藥物尤其適合於希望減少體脂但保留或增加肌肉質量的患者。
    Lilly (Eli Lilly): Tirzepatide is a drug that combines GLP-1 and GIP receptor agonists and has demonstrated significant weight loss effects. This dual agonist mechanism makes it more effective in controlling blood sugar and weight loss than single GLP-1 receptor agonists. Novo Nordisk: A market leader with key products including GLP-1 receptor agonists, such as Semaglutide (brand names Ozempic, Wegovy). These drugs primarily mimic the GLP-1 hormone to suppress appetite and promote weight loss. Roche: Currently developing CT-966 and CT-388, two innovative drugs related to weight loss and obesity treatment. GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1): An incretin that stimulates insulin secretion, suppresses appetite, and delays gastric emptying. These drugs are effective in lowering blood sugar and weight. GIP (Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide): Another incretin similar to GLP-1, but its primary function is to stimulate insulin release. In new drugs, combining GIP and GLP-1 mechanisms shows stronger efficacy. Amylin: A hormone co-secreted with insulin that slows gastric emptying, reduces postprandial blood sugar spikes, and suppresses appetite. Amylin analogs can be used in combination with other hormones for better weight loss effects in obesity treatment. Bimagrumab: A monoclonal antibody that focuses on muscle growth and fat reduction. It promotes muscle growth while reducing fat by blocking the Activin II receptor, differing significantly from traditional weight loss drugs as it aims to reshape the body rather than just reduce weight. This drug is especially suitable for patients who want to reduce body fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass.



