全身加速度律動床vs 體外心臟反博術,給心臟做按摩孰優孰劣?-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 全身加速度律動床vs 體外心臟反博術,給心臟做按摩孰優孰劣?

全身加速度律動床vs 體外心臟反博術,給心臟做按摩孰優孰劣?

  • 全身加速度律動床vs 體外心臟反博術,給心臟做按摩孰優孰劣?
  • 全身水平加速度運動(WBPA)是一種被動運動,更是心血管訓練方法,通過增加剪力養護血管內皮細胞,來強化心臟肌肉和提升心血管健康。透過特殊設備,使全身經歷連續的加速和減速,從而增強心臟收縮效率和耐力,有效提升心血管整體功能。
    Whole Body Periodic Acceleration (WBPA) is not only a passive exercise but also a revolutionary cardiovascular training method that increases heart load to strengthen cardiac muscles and improve cardiovascular health. Special equipment is used to subject the entire body to continuous acceleration and deceleration, thereby enhancing cardiac contraction efficiency and endurance, effectively boosting overall cardiovascular function.
    External Counterpulsation (EECP) is another advanced treatment technology designed to improve cardiac function and blood flow. Through external mechanical devices, it increases the amount of blood returning to the heart, thus enhancing the heart's contractile strength and blood transport capability. It is an effective method for improving angina and promoting collateral circulation in the heart.
    Both methods provide strong support for the heart, making it healthier and offering alternative solutions for those seeking to improve cardiac health.

