代理孕母,生子最後的希望?還是剝削窮人?從判決看人類(十五) 美國司法代理孕母篇-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 代理孕母,生子最後的希望?還是剝削窮人?從判決看人類(十五) 美國司法代理孕母篇

代理孕母,生子最後的希望?還是剝削窮人?從判決看人類(十五) 美國司法代理孕母篇

  • 代理孕母,生子最後的希望?還是剝削窮人?從判決看人類(十五) 美國司法代理孕母篇
  • 美國的兩起代理孕母案件,Baby M案和Johnson v. Calvert案,引發了全球範圍內對倫理、道德和法律的激烈討論。
    Baby M案件中,代理母親拒絕交出並藏起自己生下的孩子,引起了對代理孕母權利的關注。
    Johnson v. Calvert案中,代理孕母要求委託夫婦 增加更多保險金額,否則將不願放棄代孕子女的親權,加州高等法院最終確認了委託父母擁有親權。
    台灣在代理孕母的立法進程中,國民健康署已經提出草案,但目前只一讀通過。 儘管科技進步提供了新的生育方式,但法律尚未完全跟上。
    "Two surrogate motherhood cases in the United States, the Baby M case and the Johnson v. Calvert case, have sparked intense global discussions about ethics, morality, and the law.
    In the Baby M case, the surrogate mother refused to surrender and hid the child she had birthed, raising concerns about the rights of surrogate mothers.
    In the Johnson v. Calvert case, the surrogate mother demanded that the commissioning couple increase the amount of insurance money, otherwise, she would not relinquish custody of the surrogate child. The California Supreme Court ultimately affirmed the parental rights of the commissioning parents.
    In Taiwan, the legislative process for surrogate motherhood is underway. The National Health Agency has proposed a draft bill, but it has only passed the first reading. Although technological advancements have provided new methods of reproduction, the law has yet to fully catch up.
    As the legislation on surrogate motherhood progresses in Taiwan, the public will continue to closely watch how this controversial issue balances legal, ethical, and societal pressures."

