AI PC out!終極目標是人腦裝晶片,直接升級成超級電腦-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > AI PC out!終極目標是人腦裝晶片,直接升級成超級電腦

AI PC out!終極目標是人腦裝晶片,直接升級成超級電腦

  • AI PC out!終極目標是人腦裝晶片,直接升級成超級電腦
  • 把人腦變超級電腦Elon Musk 和 Bryan Johnson 引領神經科學新紀元
    Elon Musk 的 Neuralink 和 Bryan Johnson 的 Kernel,這兩個顛覆性的項目正在重新定義人類對大腦的理解和互動。Neuralink 挑戰傳統,透過先進的腦機接口技術,目標是治療神經疾病並促進人腦與人工智能的融合。同時,Bryan Johnson 的 Kernel 則致力於增強人類智力,開發可穿戴設備來解讀和操控大腦活動。這兩位未來主義者的合作可能將開啟大腦潛力的全新領域,帶領我們進入一個前所未有的認知革命時代!
    "Breaking Brain Boundaries: Elon Musk and Bryan Johnson Lead a New Era in Neuroscience!"
    Elon Musk's Neuralink and Bryan Johnson's Kernel are two revolutionary projects redefining human understanding and interaction with the brain. Neuralink challenges conventional limits with advanced brain-computer interface technology aimed at treating neurological diseases and facilitating the integration of human brains with artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, Bryan Johnson's Kernel is dedicated to enhancing human cognition, developing wearable devices that interpret and manipulate brain activity. The collaboration of these two visionaries could unlock new realms of brain potential, ushering us into an unprecedented era of cognitive revolution!
