學會這個閉氣技巧,一招擊退慢性疲勞:換氣vs憋氣游泳。16年抗老醫師親自實行抗老策略(五)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 學會這個閉氣技巧,一招擊退慢性疲勞:換氣vs憋氣游泳。16年抗老醫師親自實行抗老策略(五)


  • 學會這個閉氣技巧,一招擊退慢性疲勞:換氣vs憋氣游泳。16年抗老醫師親自實行抗老策略(五)
  • 無法進行高強度運動?無需擔心!我運用了在第30屆美國抗老暨再生醫學會學到的the Hormesis Effect “毒物興奮效應”,創造出間歇性缺氧狀態,啟動了2019年諾貝爾醫學獎研究揭露的神奇低氧因子,成功治癒了我的慢性疲勞。這一切只需短暫的低氧狀態,便能顯著增加紅血球數量、優化氧和血紅素的結合,從根本上提升神經系統功能,徹底改善疲勞感。跟著我學習,讓我們一起將疲勞拋諸腦後!

    Due to chronic fatigue and the inability to engage in high-intensity interval exercises, I applied the Hormesis Effect I learned at the 30th American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. By deliberately creating a state of intermittent hypoxia, I induced the hypoxia-inducible factor recognized by the 2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine, which cured my chronic fatigue. Through short-term mild hypoxia, the body's adaptation to low oxygen is stimulated, increasing the number of red blood cells, improving the binding of hemoglobin and oxygen, and enhancing the function of the nervous system, thereby helping to alleviate fatigue. Of course, sufficient knowledge is necessary to ensure safety and effectiveness. Remember, knowledge is power, so make sure to subscribe to my channel to empower yourself and protect your family.
