太極不僅能增大腦容量,更能同時練腦波,塑造獨一無二的你。16年抗老醫師親自實行抗老策略(四)-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 太極不僅能增大腦容量,更能同時練腦波,塑造獨一無二的你。16年抗老醫師親自實行抗老策略(四)


  • 太極不僅能增大腦容量,更能同時練腦波,塑造獨一無二的你。16年抗老醫師親自實行抗老策略(四)

    為了學一門特殊的“信息針刺法”,16年前我去上海拜在宮國祥醫師門下成為他口傳親授的嫡傳弟子。 信息針刺為要能在患者身上偵查信息,也就是查病氣,再下針施治,師父要求須得從練“宮氏太極”開始,一練就是16年。 練宮氏太極16年也曾經因為沒大周天,連小周天都沒有,而沮喪停練。後來倒是發現練出記憶力和腦力,52歲還考上律師。據研究經上師加持灌頂的人,腦波立即發生變化。跟您揭秘練太極如何增強記憶力,加大腦容量。像指紋一樣,腦波也是獨一無二的,教您如何自行加持腦波,塑造獨一無二的自己。 

    練宮氏太極16年的收穫是轉變腦波 提升思維 變化命運。


    Sixteen years ago, I traveled to Shanghai to learn a special "Information Acupuncture" from Dr. Gong Guoxiang. To diagnose conditions accurately before acupuncture, I had to start with "Gong's Tai Chi," which I practiced for 16 years. There were times I felt so frustrated due to the lack of progress in achieving the major and minor circulation that I stopped practicing. However, I eventually found that it enhanced my memory and cognitive abilities, allowing me to pass the bar exam at the age of 52. It is said that those who receive blessings from a master experience immediate changes in their brainwaves. Let me reveal how practicing Tai Chi can boost your memory and increase brain capacity. Just like fingerprints, brainwaves are unique. I'll teach you how to enhance your brainwaves on your own, shaping a unique version of yourself.

