16年抗老醫師親自實行抗老策略(二):我實行“不喝油的低碳飲食”整整二年發生什麼事?Low carbs diet without high fat intake.
抗老醫師親身親身實踐“低碳飲食”2年整,教您如何快速生酮,抽血報告大公開。低碳飲食透過限制每日澱粉和糖攝取在50克以下並使用中鏈油,被證實能有效提升代謝率,治療癲癇、阿茲海默症及糖尿病等慢性疾病。根據史丹佛的研究,此飲食法對於改善思覺失調、躁鬱症表現出潛在益處,同時也是一種有效的減重方法,能改善血脂肪,預防了胰島素阻抗,控制血糖穩定 。
The low carbs diet, by limiting daily carbohydrate intake to under 50 grams and using medium-chain fatty acids, has proven effective in enhancing metabolic rates and treating chronic conditions such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and diabetes. Stanford research suggests potential benefits of this diet for managing schizoaffective disorders and bipolar disorder, as well as being an effective weight loss method. An anti-aging doctor personally practices this diet and shares results: improved cholesterol and lipid profiles, prevention of insulin resistance, stable blood sugar control, enhanced cognitive function.