拋棄對立,尋求勞、資、消費者三方共好的方法。 美國司法罷工篇 Try a Strike to Raise My Salary?-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 拋棄對立,尋求勞、資、消費者三方共好的方法。 美國司法罷工篇 Try a Strike to Raise My Salary?

拋棄對立,尋求勞、資、消費者三方共好的方法。 美國司法罷工篇 Try a Strike to Raise My Salary?

  • 拋棄對立,尋求勞、資、消費者三方共好的方法。 美國司法罷工篇  Try a Strike to Raise My Salary?
  • 拋棄對立,尋求勞、資、消費者三方共好的方法

    Try a Strike to Raise My Salary?


    ▪︎Labor strikes have become common since 19th century. A worker who was treated as a screw in a machine lived in a way of no feeling, no hope and no respect. After experiencing strong conflicts between labor and capital, the strike was confirmed to be a legal way to fight for labors’ rights. 

    ▪︎The US supreme court has released a renown ruling which said “the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) does not preempt an employer’s state-law tort claim alleging that aintentionally destroyed the company’s property during a labor dispute.” on the issue of labor strike in 2023
