男生斷食生育力下降,女生斷食掉髮沒月經。第31屆美國抗老暨再生醫學會特輯(一) Fasting Lowers Testosterones. -康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 男生斷食生育力下降,女生斷食掉髮沒月經。第31屆美國抗老暨再生醫學會特輯(一) Fasting Lowers Testosterones.

男生斷食生育力下降,女生斷食掉髮沒月經。第31屆美國抗老暨再生醫學會特輯(一) Fasting Lowers Testosterones.

  • 男生斷食生育力下降,女生斷食掉髮沒月經。第31屆美國抗老暨再生醫學會特輯(一)  Fasting Lowers Testosterones.
  • 男生斷食生育力下降,女生斷食掉髮沒月經 
    Fasting Lowers Testosterones. 
    The evidence has shown that fasting can cause autophagy which will recycle protein and organelles. However, the extreme fasting may induce the cell death and apoptosis. 
    Fasting may lower testosterones in males and females. For those who have polycystic ovarian syndrome, this could an alternative treatment. However, it could reduce the reproduction and fertility in males. 
    Females are encouraged to fast to their cycles. The ovulation phase and a week before period should not fast to keep the menstrual cycles regularly working. 

