癌症朋友經歷的可不只是肌肉流失的危險….. Cancer combined with sarcopenia, more than just muscle loss!-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > 癌症朋友經歷的可不只是肌肉流失的危險….. Cancer combined with sarcopenia, more than just muscle loss!

癌症朋友經歷的可不只是肌肉流失的危險….. Cancer combined with sarcopenia, more than just muscle loss!

  • 癌症朋友經歷的可不只是肌肉流失的危險…..  Cancer combined with sarcopenia, more than just muscle loss!
  • 癌症朋友經歷的可不只是肌肉流失的危險…..

    Cancer combined with sarcopenia, more than just muscle loss!
    Cancer combined with sarcopenia can be a worse condition than without sarcopenia. So far, sarcopenia was considered as a independent prognosis marker for all kinds of cancer diseases. 
    Sarcopenia can increase the mortality rate, hospitalized days, recurrence rate, chemo-radiologic toxicities, 5- year survival rate and overall survival rate. 

    Exercise ,resistance exercise and nutrition support should be added to treatment regimen as early as possible.  




    • 王麗惠醫師

      • 康普頓生物科技有限公司董事長
      • 康維特生醫有限公司董事長
      • 美國抗老暨再生醫學會專科醫師
      • 中華民國律師
      • 美國營養學院認證營養學專科醫師
      • 康普頓診所副院長
      • 中華民國中西雙執照醫師
      • 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽會員
      • 東海大學法律研究所
      • 東海大學推廣部樂齡大學兼任講師
      • 上海宮氏信息針刺法傳人
      • 細胞治療技術受訓證書

