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從神藥變毒品是美國一手主導? How did a medicine turn to a drug? 醫用大麻合法化(三)詳細資料
目前世界各國如何為大麻平反 Rehabilitation of Miscarriage of injustice on Cannabis 醫用大麻合法化(二)詳細資料
英國用大麻治療長新冠? Is Marijuana (Cannabis) a narcotic drug or a medicine during COVID-19 pandemic?詳細資料
90%是飲食引起,哈佛說減重10%是王道。 Harvard said "losing 10% weight can reduce liver fat".詳細資料
不只吃太油,吃太甜也會。Not only can fat induce high Triglyceride, but also carbs can do.詳細資料
要降尿酸嗎?請先減重 Wants to lower your uric acid? The first is to lose weight.詳細資料
糖使你快樂? 還是使你憂鬱? 糖的真相 Does sugar intake make you happy or depressed? The truth of sugar.詳細資料
胰島素阻抗是什麼?是糖尿病吹哨者? The Warning of Diabetes-----Insulin Resistance詳細資料
運動心情會變好是為什麼?哪一種運動最有效? Why can exercise optimize your mood?詳細資料
會不會有長新冠跟基因大有關係 Long Covid is associated with Genes詳細資料
新冠惡化阿茲海默,甚至誘導阿茲海默? Covid-19 May worsen Alzheimer’s Disease詳細資料
新冠後腦霧怎麼辦 看看國外怎麼說 How to deal with Covid-19 Brain Fog詳細資料